So folks- Chris darling has replaced the Hard Drive on my lappytop and also added some killer memory. We are back in business!
I would post pictures, but at the moment, they are on Chris' thumb drive, which I was happy to have before the compy completely died the other day! I will hopefully get my act together and have something for you to view very soon!
School starts in 2 weeks. Crap.
After a minor panic attack this morning regarding my classes transferring, I seem to have had it sorted out. I am trying to add another class so I'll be taking on 16 units this fall- not too shabby.
Okay, so I said I was no longer panicking? I lied.
I'm trying to get through this period of my life with some yoga to soothe me and more deep breathing excersizes than a lamaze class. I know I can land on my feet in this uncharted territory, but every-once-in-awhile, I get a whiff of the idea that I'm not just Shannyn being her totally rockin, self-reliant self, but actually, totally, and completely alone in this.
Though I'm always one for adventure and doing something new- I'm starting a new school year, in a new school, without Gram and Dad seems to be drifting further and further away from me. He would rather eat lunch and dinner alone at the Cafe than eat it with me. But let's not delve into that.
In fact, I'm terrified, but not as terrified as I am to find THIS:
But you know, it just takes a picture like that to put things all in perspective. Things could be a lot worse, I could have THAT in my kitchen.
On the bright side, Bailey has had a successful day of potty training...we have adjusted from the litter method to going outside.
I have started a halloween blanket (crochet) and I got to see Pineapple Express- it was funnier than funny.
I'm going to a baby shower tomorrow and it should be a nice conclusion to a very nice weekend..

I suppose all that one can really say is, "May the force be with you?"
That's just wrong. Where are the birthday party pictures?
kiss Chris... he's got you up and running again! :) School starts in 2 weeks. Double crap. Just breathe... a cleansing breath. Do some yoga for me. I REALLY miss it. ... don't ever let me find THAT in your kitchen. Scare me!
Thanks for visiting my blog and enjoying the photo of the pugs. Next time instead of just linking to the photo and using my bandwidth, a link back to my own post and or blog would be great too! Have a great day!
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