And this is why...

To update everyone on Chris...he is well. We are about to celebrate two years together and it's pretty exciting. Well, it's not as exciting as the 1st year, it's more of a "high five" moment. Not because we love each other any less, but we have been through so much crap in the last year, that it's more like a "Hooray, we still love each other." It's a tired, but valiant trot across the finish line of another calendar year, not the overzealous sprint we experienced the year before. After the fire and evacuation, 7 day a week schedules, Gram's health, Miss Fallbrook, applying for financial aid and all that junk that goes with "big kid's school," job loss in the family and tight times- we are just really happy to be together.
But what's great, is that I get to report that him filing out FAFSA was not in vain this year, HE GOT FREE MONEY FOR COLLEGE! Granted, it's not going to get him through the year payment free, but it was exciting that all that time we spent working on it, got him SOMETHING! It was much appreciated news...because the California budget cuts in public schooling has really hit home. It's a gloomy summer for those working for a school district...In the Fallbrook Elementary district alone, I think 50 teachers were laid off...not including other staff. (And considering there's only 5 schools, with only about 25-30 teachers each?)
But anyway...I'm thinking of doing a "Study Abroad" program in the next year. I was pretty depressed to find out that I need to take Spanish 201 to graduate from CSUSM. I took Spanish 101 and 102 at Palomar..but then I because GWA and took a year off, only to return and enroll in Spanish 201, and realize that the professor would not be speaking ANY English in the course. That freaked me out, as I forgot all my Spanish, and had replaced it in my brain with motivational speeches (some of which I could use now!) and yah, I have to start all over again. I haven't decided where I should go...whether I should try to go to Spain or to get credit for the class, or if I should just go somewhere awesome- like Australia or England.
Part of the problem is that I am quite attached to my signifgant other...Could he or I really enjoy our lives knowing the other is gone for 6 weeks to 6 months? I know it sounds corny, trust me I do...but I don't know how other couples do it. Military families, I suppose, are just used to it?
Well I have rambled on long enough. Time to go crochet and enjoy my day off. I have a lot to ponder...I find that I have lost sight of my ideals and goals. Just the thought of making a goal either leaves me apathetic or freaks the heck out of me. When did this happen?
I suppose the last few months have really derailed me from my sense of ambition, and I really need to find it again. I think I will try and make a list of goals and just be brave about it. Love you all, thanks for reading.
study abroad? all to avoid a class... hmmm. I would do London... but I agree... leaving a "someone" behind is not ideal. If it were me...I'd stay and muddle through a stupid Spang-lish class. I don't know how I got so lucky at BYU... we could opt to take a higher math class to override the language class requirement. SCORE!... Math I can do... Spanish... es un problema.
Boy I have to agree with you considering it's actually es una problema. Spanish isn't that hard. Hola Paco. Mi llamo Pedro.
Just bring Churros to class everyday... fresh from the burro, they'll be a hit, you'll get an A+ for sure!!!
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