Holy Cow- I've been busy since I last updated this blog. I was in Dallas, Texas for almost a week for Mary Kay Seminar. Grams was doing well while I was gone, like, really well- but now, not so much. I have to go over there today and visit with her. It's been a roller coaster ride, but I'm trying to stay positive.
Seminar in Dallas was great. It actually wasn't as hot as people made it sound! Infact, I'm pretty sure it was the same temperature that I'm used to! I was so amazed by the wonderful things that the company is doing to help others, like the "Pink Doing Green" campaign. We can bring in our customer's old compacts to be recycled, and for each one, a tree will be planted. In addition, they're switching over to more eco friendly packaging and shipping materials.
There is also the "Pink Changing Lives" through the Mary Kay Ash Charitable Foundation which works to fund grants for Cancer Research and Domestic Violence Prevention programs. I can't even recall how many millions of dollars were donated last year. I do know though, that this year they are donating 100% of their profits to the MKACF from the sale of Apple Berry Lipsticks. (I have something big planned for this and there will be more info later.
While I was in Dallas, I got to take the factory tour- and it was really awesome to meet the people who work there, and really get an idea of how many products they produce to keep up with demand! The workers were great, and I hadn't seen any that had been there less than 5 years (each year they get a ribbon to show how long they've been there!) and it's really hard to get a job there, because it's such a good place to work that there aren't openings. Apparently, as the workers told me, they pay pretty well- Good to know!

A vat of soon-to-be Spa Lotion!

Lipsticks being made- it was really amazing to see how quickly they are produced. The machines fill the molds with lipstick, put them in the case and then the workers just put the caps on them and make sure they are up to snuff before they're sealed and packaged. I forget how many thousands they have to produce a day to keep up with demand- but each day (and this applies to the foundations and other colors products too) they pick a color and make it all day!

Me being my dorky self during the awesome factory tour!

Seeing the lipstick being made- and the wonderful smell of vanilla in the vats of lipstick! Yum!

Made in America baby- some of my favorite lipglosses!

More Skin Care being made!

Here's a pic of all the new debuting sales directors for the last six months- crazy huh?

Pink and black dishes- Hmm, I wonder if Chris would dig it??

The gorgeous Garnet ring I've been drooling over- I love this job!

During Opening Ceremonies of our 45th anniversary. We were all given LED keychains and were told to turn them on- it was so beautiful in person!

During Unit Awards night- an "Aloha theme" I was very happy to be named Unit Miss Enthusiasm and #3 in sales! (Let it be known that #2 and #1 beat me by a LONG SHOT!)

My face just reflects the flash on my camera. My new friend Hannelore and I at classes. She lives up in Northern California, and though she's in my unit, we've never met!

Okay, I know I'm silly- but I loved the anniversary pic on the cake- so what!! I didn't earn any of the nice luncheons this year- but even the food was good for these lunches! It was really amazing- the session would let out, then 11,000 women would pile out of the arena and Hall A and into this huge dining area. Everything was already set out and we were flagged in like airplanes to find a seat- it was very efficient! I though, felt like cattle. hahah. moo- ding ding, ding ding!!

This was me on Awards Night- fun times!

This lady was so inspiring. She was named the Queen of Sales for Consultants. During this last year, she had a baby that was born with some health problems, and had to have two surgeries. She also moved across country while her husband was deployed- with two other children! She still did this amazing thing despite the obstacles- it was pretty cool!

Mary Kay is the official sponsor of the CMA awards so they had a really cool country dance number (oh ya, and they had a Spice Girls one too!! haha)

This was the Queen of Sales for Directors- she is one awesome lady! My director knows her so we got a second to snap a picture! She did a lot last year, but one of them was to sell 900 new black compacts, it made my head spin thinking about it!

Part of MK's "Pink Doing Green" Initiative- they planted 45 trees in front of the Convention Center in honor of the 45th anniversary!
I had my birthday party this last Friday and it was good! Several of my guests ended up going on a "creepy crawl" (don't ask!) and it was a lot of fun. We had great Pirate decorations and I will be posting pictures in my next blog. (Trust me, there are enough from Seminar!!)
Okay- now that I've overwhelmed you with photos, know that more are on the way! :)