Bailey's potty training is going well. We still have a few accidents here and there- but I'm finding less and less "surprises" behind furniture or puddled in the middle of the floor in my path of travel. I don't know if she's getting better or if I just know how to watch her "I'm gonna go!!" signals. Hmm.
Gram finally got her LAST wrist brace off and is enjoying life with a free left hand. I'm still weighing the pros-and-cons of her coming home vs. staying at the Assisted Living Facility. It's really something I'm struggling with. I know she would like to come home, but at the same time, I think that when she adjusts to life over there, she will LOVE the field trips and activities. She is already socializing and I enjoy hearing about it. When she was home, she would spend HOURS watching CNN- and you know how they loop the same footage and stories over, and over, and over and OVER again? Well, that's how our conversations went when we got home.
She has been reading the newspaper, talking to other residents and roaming the halls pretty well. They have activities, a library and a salon which she has been getting into...that makes me happy.
Now, she has said "I'm self reliant now, I'm okay and wouldn't need a nurse." But when I asked her the other day if she'd like me to bring a cat over to permanently stay with her (to make it feel more homey) she said she couldn't take care of it. My boss and I talked about it and she made a good point- if she can't imagine caring for a cat, when everything else is taken care of (food, cleaning, laundry, etc.) how will she come home and do things for herself? Any thoughts? Like I said, I'm really struggling with this.
Today I'll be having a Very, Very small Open House and Tuition Fundraiser at mi casa. It amazes me how many people don't RSVP. Typically, when you get an invite to something, you should call or email to say you are, or are not coming. People don't get this.
We are more connected as ever as Americans- we are constantly on the Internet, Home Phone, Cell Phone, PDA, etc. but why has this common courtesy gone out the window? It's easier than ever to get ahold of someone, but yet, we have become commitment phobic. It won't hurt my feelings if someone can't make it, but it really pisses me off when I assume they aren't coming, and I have food made up, or other goodies, and they just show up assuming I have enough for them. This hasn't just happened with Mary Kay, otherwise I would just shrug it off, but I have heard it more and more with other events.
My birthday party last year was a prime example. Friends ASSUMED I knew they were coming- UHhh, NO? You don't call me for the three-week-gap from the invite being sent to the "day of" and you could be dead for all I know. But what's really bad is that my boss was telling me that her niece got married about a year or two ago. The numbers had to be turned into the caterer about two weeks before the wedding. She actually had to CALL her family and friends because they never sent the pre-stamped RSVP cards back to her. That really sickens's a WEDDING! Could you imagine being a bride, and two weeks before calling your cousins, and siblings if they're coming and what they want to eat? Yikes.
Sorry- that was my little rant. There were a lot of people out of town or busy this weekend- which is totally understandable. But what irks me is the fact that I would call someone, they would want an email. I'd send them an email, and they STILL didn't respond. Lord. To a few of my guests, I sent them a postcard, an email and a call....still, no response. I'm trying not to be a pest, but I wouldn't have to resort to the phone call if you woulda responded to the first two trys!
Oh well, people, as I take it, are commitment phobes who are "too busy" to take five seconds to hit the "reply" button. I hope I'm not like that rude.
(and to anyone reading this, no, this blog is not directed at you!)
I guess I just don't get it.
I did though, order two dog collars for bailey from (cute handmade goods) Beth has her "giddy giddy" and I have my "lucky fiona." hahaha.

Aren't they adorable? I seem to have a slight affection for dots. I also seem to have a slight affection for sales- seeing how these both were!
But speaking of good deals- I went to Dollar Tree yesterday- IN FALLBROOK! Why is this exciting? Not only do I love Dollar Tree (I know, so anti-tree hugger) but it's the first real chain, other than a grocery store, we have in Fbrook. We don't even have a Starbucks, aside from the sucky one in Albertson's. While it's great to have that "small town" vibe- it's not great when you need to pick up a birthday gift and the bookstores close at 4 p.m. Or, if you want a coffee drink for a late night study break- and they all closed at 6 p.m. (aside from the icky fake Starbucks in Albertson's)
Well, I thought I really went "crazy" at Dtree, and I only spent 11 bucks! I got some stuff for my Pirate themed Birthday Party and some other stuff for around the house...11 dollars. I was in heaven. So ya, that's my splurge for the week- two dog collars and Dollar I need to get out more. haha.
But you know, this is the life of a college student who is now paying for a lot more herself. I did finally get reimbursed for all of Grandma's shopping, pills and snacks. It's weird...I'm giving her spending money now. Holy cow. I feel like a big kid...and it freaks me out! haha