This my friends, is what I got at WAL-MART! I wouldn't have bought a fleece Obama blanket, I think it's a bit cheesy (coming from Walmart of all places!) but I knew it would really be funny to put on Dad's bed, so I HAD to buy it. My Dad, as you can probably imagine, is not an Obama fan. In fact, pretty much anything different does not go on dad's "awesome radar." Dad's awesome radar picks up on anything that includes buffets, Ford trucks, DVD's, "good deals," steak, cigars and white people who eat meat, drive trucks and enjoy going to buffets. Wow, that just about sums him up. haha...
I'm thinking of redecorating his room in red, white and blue and framing Obama's picture, along with a picture of a same sex, mexican-immigrant couple, that is ordering a tofu dish from a drive thru in their hybrid car. I love my dad, but we do not see eye to eye on politics, at all. He labels me as the "crazy treehugging feminist," because I don't think it's fair to call all Mexicans "illegals" (because they're NOT.) or because I enjoy Thai food, go to college, and prefer small business to big-box stores or perhaps it's because I think Guantamo Bay needs to be closed. Hmm.
Anyway, off my political soap box. If I didn't lose half of my readers here, it will be a miracle- just look at the pretty pictures!

So, Chris, Whitney, Angela and I went to Big Bear a few weeks ago. Angela only went so I would go, because as many of you know, I hate going down big hills while relying on my own skills of balance, (doesn't work, I fall way too much). So, while our buddies hit the slopes, Ang and I went to a yarn shop in Big Bear and I found enough yarn to carry me into the next century, and then we hung out at a wonderful cofffee shop, shopped and at at Quizno's..yes, Quizno's....ugh. haha

Isn't she cute? Literacy is fun-damental!

Where Angela and I hung out while Whit and Chris hit the slopes. I got a Campfire Latte at this little coffee shop, we knitted, read, and enjoyed my score of yarn from Big Bear's HUGE yarn shop. Fun times!


Food after snowboarding, skiing and haha, shopping all day! Lake Arrowhead.

Whitney and I after eating at Lake Arrowhead
Over the Martin Luther King Jr. three-day weekend, I was invited by my school to attend a Social Justice Summit. The SJS retreat was from Friday to Sunday and was at a really nice hotel in Escondido- the food, may I mention, also nice! We first met up on Campus at the Clarke (which is an activity center and gym) and began some activites. We made a "quilt" with pictures that displayed our heritage or our lives, and things unique to us. We played a game where in a giant circle, you step in if you identify with something the group leader says- "I am Christian," "I am male," "I am gay," "I am not sure what I am." etc. This was to let each other know how diverse we are, and to be proud of whatever we are- it was really powerful to see people be brave about their identities!
Over the course of the weekend we did many activities about prejuidice, discrimination and how to combat inequality in our own communities and our lives. On one night, people shared powerful stories of how they had been discriminated, or how they had perpetuated discrimination in their lives- it really affected me. I suddenly was able to relate to people I previously had dismissed as "different."

THE BUS! Our school provided transporation from campus to the retreat...Is it weird I find it awesome my school has a bus that looks so shiny and new?

Cush digs at the Cougar Den on Campus- the first part of the of the Social Justice Summit...Isn't it nice lookin? Check out the cougar picture, I dig it!


Our social justice quilt- every person got four patches to design about their life and what they believed in!

A really interesting activity about social justice- Can you build a tower with angel hair pasta and small marshmellows?

That is the LGBT focus group from the SJS I went to- Our goal will be to raise awareness about the resources on campus for Social Justice and break down walls that alienate people in the LGBT community!

Kevin and I at the Social Justice Summit! He loves Twilight too!

We are so cool...hangin' out at Whitney's house- wearing her Dad's hat. (Her dad was just Installed as Master of our local Masonic Lodge- and instead of a Top Hat, he got a joke Viking hat)

I caught the flash!

Angela wearing Whitney's Dad's "hat" and stufff...fun times!

This, is a Tommy's chili dog. It is amazingly delicious. Dad used to take me to Tommy's in Whittier all the time, Chris and I stopped at one and I had to break my own moral code..oh well!

Double-fistin it! Chris loaned me his for this picture, I didn't actually chow on two.

This is how the pugs spend their cool Socal days, in front of the heater with something to chew on. awwwww.
Hey Clam Sista!... (thank you for my love note!!)
How did your dad's new bed spread go over? What does he, of all people, have against illegals? I thought that a "small business" was successful if they became a "big-box store"... where did I get confused? I want to see a picture of all the yarn you bought to last you until until the next century!
I want to see a picture of your dad's face when he see's his newly decorated room!!! Love all the new pictures. You're just so darn photogenic!
Crazy snow backs hahahahahahaha.
When your dad is done with his blanket, I would like to borrow it and put it on my dad's bed!
I'm with Debbie, I want to see his face when he sees his new decor!!
Wow, now I'm yearning a for a Tommyburger. I filled up many a time at the Tommy's on Rampart & Beverly Blvd. in L.A.--somewhat sketchy neighborhood, but everybody goes there for the gooey, greasy goodness: USC students, downtown lawyers, and the rest of us.
I bet the snow up at BB was awesome. What, no pics of you on the slopes???? Great to hear from ya and glad you and your crew were able to get away to the mountains!
BTW, is that a Wolf brand wall oven in the pics of Whitney's house? Wolf ovens are supposed to be the Porsche's of ovens--cool blue interiors, dual convection, etc...just something I learned during my RE days!
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