On Saturday, you get a call to see if you're invited back to "Preference Day," and I was invited back to all three sororities, talk about exciting! Sadly, this is the time when some girls don't get invited back (they didn't qualify due to GPA, missed events, didn't really socialize, etc.) and some girls only get invited back to one sorority, luckily it's usually the one they wanted. I then went to two of the three sororites, and made my pick on Sunday. You are asked to write down your first and second choice for sororities, and the sororities submit a list of the top girls they'd like back. Then, the Greek Advisor Team complies the lists in secret and tries to match the girls up to where they wanted and who the sororities wanted (complicated I know). Monday was "Bid Day," and was so exciting- the girls in the sororities don't know who is going to join, and you don't know if you got the one you chose as your #1. Each girl is given a bag with her name on it, and everyone rips them open at the same time, then runs outside to find their sorority, it was intense!

On Monday I will pledge the sorority (whatever that means!) and will be initiated at the end of the semester. I will get a "Big Sis" that will be revealed in March, and I have no clue who she will be, yet another surprise! (Surprises are definetly a sorority thing!)
did you ever think that you weren't going to get chosen?... I'm sure as they were going through all of the names... they came to you and said "of course!"... and moved on quickly! Congrats!!! We're so proud of you!!!!
Congrats Shannyn!
Does that mean you'll be moving to a sorority house? BTW, does CSUSM have a Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE) frat on campus? I had some classes with and used to work with a bunch of those guys back when I was in commercial real estate--those dudes can party!
Sounds like a TON of fun...I found you in the group shot....everyone is so beautiful!!! So very proud of you!!!! Love, Aunt Norie
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