In my defense, Chris wanted me to use his mom's bacon tray that you microwave to cook the bacon. I had never cooked bacon any other way than in a frying pan. Well, things were fine until I put in the last batch of bacon, and my microwave did it's job- perhaps too well. Not only did I ruin the bacon, but the tray as well. Oh joy!
Most random gift ever! That red pug lookin' thing in my hand is actually a handbag! Bailey wanted to meet her new buddy. Vanessa, Chris' mom saw this and had to get it for me!
Vanessa and Chris (wearing the new sweater I got him!)
Dad and I didn't plan to match- it just happened that way!
Chris and I headed to Balboa park last week- those are my new earrings. Hand made glass beads in San Diego- very cool!
Chris' mom is soo cute... and I'm so glad she got you that pug purse... that's the one I told you about that we saw in Macy's in Monterey!! I love the picture of you and your two babies... and the one of you and your pa is priceless. I don't think I've seen him with a bigger smile!! Love you miss you!
I love all your pictures. It looks like you had a very festive Christmas! yay!! I think the picture of you and the girls should be next years Christmas card. So cute!! Pug Love!!
You need to frame the picture of you and the pugs! You can never have enough pictures of you and you're babies around the house! Just ask me. Didn't I tell you that dogs were addicting! I'm still asking Steven for another one...but of course he puts his foot down at four :(
I con't tell you enough how much I enjoy your are the best ever, you are so beautiful!! I love you and miss you so much!!!
HAHAHA Why do people always ask the vegetarian to cook the bacon??? When I was down in LA for my uncle's funeral, my mom and I decided to make breakfast for everyone the next morning. What do I get assigned? The bacon. Of course I burnt it. It was beyond charcoal. LOL. People should know these things!
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