Now that my tummy has settled after dealing with a very gnarly round of "I didn't want to go outside, so I went all over the floor, twice." with the dogs, I am ready to procrastinate on homework.
How did students ever procrastinate before the internet? Tv? Hmm..I guess so.
Now that my lappy is working I thought I'd post some pictures Chris has taken over the last year or so..enjoy.
By the way, we have better pics of Kahlua, but those are coming soon!

This is how Kahlua sleeps....doing the "Frankenstein." haha!

Chris took these two pictures of Bailey and I at the park a few weeks ago...pug love!

I took this one!

This was from our latest trip to the Magic Kingdom in September I think

Any resemblance?

We love Balboa Park!

My 2nd Anniversary Gift- but it came with a frame!

Finally, some respect at Disneyland!
Cute pictures! You're so photogenic! Miss ya.
how about that homework? Ha ha ha...homework sucks.. projects to work on are so much more fun. I really have NO clue how I ever finished a degree... oh wait... it took me 11 years... but I've got some REALLY cute projects! :)
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