DISCLAIMER: I warn you now, what reads below are words from my own heart. If it will upset you to read them, I advise you to hit the "back button," and leave this issue be. I wrote this for another blog and felt the need to post it on here, because my heart aches as I write this, and I wanted to express it. I do not mean to offend or attack, but rather to voice the dissapointment and true sadness I feel at this moment. I realize that many who will read this do not agree with me on this, and I realize I'm putting myself on a limb. I do not wish to create a divide in my friend/family circle- that would truly break my heart. I do though, desire to be honest about my feelings, and hope that you can read the following (if you choose to) with respect and the understanding that I love everyone who reads this and do not wish to create tension.
Read on if you desire, but if you'd rather not hear it, I advise you to wait until I post something more neutral, like pictures of my dogs or something from Disneyland.
Thank you.
Our nation has a rough road ahead- we will see big changes in terms of the economy, civil rights, the war, and foreign policy. There will be disagreements, successes and failures- but I hope we can all unite as a nation to help and work for a better country for everyone.
Apparently, my work is not over. I know my new shoes will have holes worn in them, as I continue to attend rallies, help out at events and try to spread what I believe to be God's message- that we must love one another.
This last election seemed to prove a contradiction- that we are ready for some peoples to be vindicated, and yet for others, there is a long way to travel before people can eradicate hatred from the hearts. It truly breaks my heart, that we see people using the Bible to justify discrimination. I just cannot believe, in the depths of my heart that God would ever really want us to hate someone, or deny them the right to live a happy life with rights equal to mine.
I will never use my vote to condone the creation (or perhaps continuation) of a second class of citizens. In my heart, I don't believe that God would want me to treat anyone as lesser person than myself, and then support it being written into law.
I suppose, there is no arguing with those that believe gay marriage is wrong. Apparently, some have hoped that by passing this proposition, it would make this issue go away, or that it wouldn't be as visible. I have to say, this has done nothing to advance the cause of religious righteousness, instead, it has perpetuated the cause of hatred and creating a power hierarchy that has preserved the ideals of the heterosexual privilege. It has now created the means to continue the oppression that has existed, and condone a hatred that finds a false justification by citing God as their means to do so. We no longer use the Bible to justify slavery or the oppression of women, so I do not feel it is appropriate to continue to use this as justification for the denial of AMERICAN rights (that shouldn't be determined by religious preference.)
In my heart and mind, LOVE, is the greatest emotion we possess. To segregate others that don't fit the mold, into a different expression of that love, so ours can feel more genuine, seems wrong to me. We have seen that segregation of rights, or access to common institutions has NEVER been a way to ensure equality for the masses. The term "separate but equal," has only ensured that two peoples are separate, but we know it has never been equal. Institutions should be the inclusive of all peoples- because dividing them has never been a fair process for those in the minority- ask anyone who had to sit in the back of the bus.
I also do not believe it's fair to think that by giving rights to all people, regardless of our own beliefs, that it somehow would be detrimental to the wellbeing and morality of our children. We teach our children that America is a land of "fairness and justice to all," but yet, as they grow up into adults, will they not see it clearly not the case? Homosexality is not a disease that our children will catch, they are not raised to become so, but homophobia is something that is. Bigotry and intolerance is perpetuated from generation to generation. Eventually, it is passed on for so long that it transforms from an opinion to a fact, and because it seems "factual," it is then passed into law, furthering the falseness of this created reality. Those argue that the Jim Crow laws of the South are not comparable to the discrimination which we are now, through law, imposing on homosexuals, I want to be told HOW they are not comparable. So far, I have heard nothing but opinion on this.
I realize, that my arguments in favor of equality for all fall on deaf ears. I cannot argue with the word of God as it is presented in the Bible, but I can ask for those who claim it as their main defense against gay marriage to look at it once again. Do we take every passage literally? Do we still stone people to death, do we still hold slaves? Do we still make women go to the Red Tent during menstruation? Do we still forbid women from speaking in church? Why have we chosen to disregard some and still hold onto other verses from the Bible? Why- because society has evolved and does not have to take it all literally. Those who follow should Christianity use it as a guide, but not as a word-for-word dictation in terms of social justice. Otherwise, we would still stone people to death for committing adultery.
We selectively use the Bible to enforce social norms to further it into a social reality. This is my theory as to why we
now disregard passages in it about slavery, and about women's "place," but at one time, these passages
were used to further justify societal injustice. We use the Bible in this manner as a convenience to further our own agendas, and I think this is wrong.
I suppose what I am asking for- is that we use today's wisdom, coupled with the Bible's teachings, to further progress in society and create a more fair and balanced society, not one which excludes a group of people or selectively chooses when to discriminate due to convenience. I wish I could see the Bible teach compassion and tolerance not enforce segregation that masks the true intentions of injustice.