Sunday, May 30, 2010

Consider it DONE!

OK- so the pictures are a bit out of order, but here are some graduation pics! I graduated on May 15th bright and early at 9 am at the Del Mar Fairgrounds! It was pretty spiffy hearing my name and "Sociology and Women's Studies, Magna Cum Laude" :) I'm so happy to be done, I did pass all my classes and am now in the process of making the Grad School transition! Enjoy!

And some pre-graduation pictures- thanks Whitney!


Andy, Beth and Jennah, too! said...

Congrats Cousin!! SOOO proud of you... you've made it! Welcome to the "next step".... can't wait to see you!!!

Grammie Norie and Poppy Vern said...

You have done a wonderful job and you are a great example to me and when I grow up...I want to be just like you!!!! Love you and see you on the 19th♥