Sadly, after my laptop crashed earlier this year, I lost all the pics from last Christmas- except one that I have of Gram with her shawl on. I went back to one of my old computer, and with my new Hello Kitty Flash Drive, (thanks Santa!) I transferred a bunch of photos- here's a walk down memory lane....

This has to be the most bizarre thing dad ever had us do- but he took us to Star Shots in the Mall and made us look like respectable little children...OF THE 90'S! When else would you dress up two kids in a bunch of tule, fan shaped earrings and fry their hair so bad it would grow back that way?
I think I must have been 6 or 7 in this picture- and it was the first time I ever wore makeup (Jon Bennet right??) but it was only to cover up the scratches on my face from all of my tomboy activities.

Time jump- me in NY summer 06.

Also Summer 06- right before I almost got asked to leave the Hello Kitty Store in Times Square.

Whitney and I at Southern Rainbow Camp at Ponderosa Pines- that is an awesome swing chair! The theme was safari- and it was during this time, that it became well known in the IORG world, that I was the one obsessed with pink.

This is an OLD photo! This was after a Rainbow event where we were supposed to wear all of one color, mine, obviously, was pink. Kendra and Ronni, chose the less embarassing route- blue. Notice the Rainbow Brite shirt that I truly wish I still had!!!

This was after I was appointed GWA in 2005 (for the 2006 year). The Past Grand Worthy Advisors bring you to one of their hotel rooms and give you gifts and basically lay out how your life is going to change in the next 24 hours...I was crying and hyperventilating so much, I think this is the only picture that came out from that point in the night. On my lap is the gorgeous dress bag my grandie (the outgoing GWA) made for me- it's lined with Mickey Mouse fabric and I still have it!

I can't tell you how many years Whitney and I helped out with Lemonade for the Avo Fest- but we were not only good cooks, but quite nice sign makers too...this is in my portfolio. (sarcasm much?)

Circa 2004- Whitney and I foolin' around takin' pictures...before trucker hats were cool.

One of my favorite projects- well, this was before Straight from the Heart!! In 2004/2005 I collected donations for a woman's shelter- that was a soft bunny!

This was just before Sai-Han, Whitney and I saw Rent- afterwards I pointed out the irony that Rent is about many things, but a lot about poverty, and after leaving the theatre, there were homeless people sleeping on the benches around the theatre...hmm. Those are the guys that SHOULD be in the play.

Gram in 2005 methinks.

Gram's fave Chimichanga which she pronounced "Shimmy-shanga." Hilarious!

Kisses for Grammy!

Gram and Benny! She was his favorite lap to snuggle on!

Look how thrilled he was! Couldn't grin any bigger!

I have always had my own style- clunky shoes and all!

I believe this was Christmas 2004- this was my first year without her, and though I was expecting to be really depressed, my wonderful friends and family kept me so busy with fun stuff I didn't have much time to think about it- until now.
But you know, being a bit sad at this moment is okay- it's part of the healing process. I do miss Gram, and along with it comes my missing of Dianne Marshall and Vickie Diem. I have been able to look and and sort through my pics of Dianne and Vickie, but until now, I avoided any pictures of Gram. 2008 meant that all my fun pictures of them are now keepsakes.
I am just now able to sort through Grammy's stuff- and I am telling myself it's okay to get rid of some of her knicknacks. It's hard, but I am doing it and I'm glad I'm forcing myself to work up the courage. I have tons more pictures of her that I've luckily stumbled across, but I will save those for some other day.
I am putting together my photo albums- finally. So, if you read this and you have photos of me, please email them?? I need more photos that werent' taken by me, because lord knows they don't come out. haha.
Happy Holidays- and have a great 2009!