Monday, September 29, 2008

Links to Share

I have some links that I'd like to post...needless to say I'm procrastinating on homework. I know, I know....I'll get back to it, but it's so BORING!

The Chai Story- This blog is from a dog owner that is trying to spread the word about a very dangerous toy which has been recalled, but there are thousands of dog owners that still have this toy. As a dog owner, I want to spread the word about this won't happen to other dogs! This site is great because you can type in any online store and see if there are coupons for it. I've been able to get 10-25% off and free shipping on stuff, pretty cool! A great resource for the ladies! There are lots of eco-friendly feminine products at this site, but one thing I got that is fabulous- is the HERBAL HEAT PACK. I ordered the one with the cupcakes on it, and it is lovely for sore backs, cramps, whatever. My original order got lost in the mail, and they sent me back another one, no questions asked. They have great customer service and I would highly recommend them to you! Their 'comfort' section has a lot of great stuff for new moms too! Are you not sure who you will vote for this November? Well figure it out! Seriously, you really need to do that. This site provides an online quiz that helps you see how your values line up with the candidates, I thought it was pretty cool!

Okay, back to homework.

1 comment:

Gary Adams said...


Hi to ya! Thanks for the website refs...