I am happy to report that the Court's fundraiser was a success! We raised over $500 and as you will see, got TONS of food donated to the Food Pantry (my platform) and lots of items for the Animal Sanctuary and the Homeless (the girls' platforms).
It turned out really well, lots of people showed up, and we had GREAT food. I was very happy with the results. We raffled off prizes, much of which were generously donated by local businesses. It was a lot of fun!

Setting up!

Some of the prizes- which you can't see but there were some generous gift certificates to local shops and boutiques in town, which I struggled to give away!

These were the ULTIMATE scones, I insisted we had to order some from our local bakery, the Sweet Sicilian! haha, they were FABULOUS!

Us with the 08-09 Honorary Mayor, Rebecca Waranch and the later-announced (we didn't know it at the time), 09-10 Honorary Mayor, Gail Martin.

ACTION POSE! Selling raffle tickets! (and can I mention that dress was only $13!)

Some of my friends that were our lovely guests!

Two volunteers at the Food Pantry came to support us at the Tea- thanks Mr. and Mrs. Russell!

We crowned a "queen" and "princess" for a day from a random drawing, my friend Vickie was crowned queen, so exciting!

My boss, Margaret, donated a fun summer basket for raffle!

Some of my lovely friends that came to support the project- you can see some of the donations in the background!


I ALWAYS wanted a picture like this!

Me with just the FOOD donated- so there were pet items and lots of other stuff too not shown- people were so generous!
All-in-all it was a great event, I'm so glad we put it together! We had cute little name tags with crowns on them, and little ribbon crowns for the younger guests. Anyone who brought an item to donate got a free Mary Kay gift set from me (it had Journey perfume, Satin Hands Smoothie, and a ton of travel-sized stuff in it). I can't remember who won that, but I think it was one of our wonderful helpers, which made me happy!
Anyhoo- I just got back from Vegas today, so I will have pictures up soon! I start school on the 31st, and am taking the GRE of doom on Aug. 27th- wish me luck! There have been some issues on campus with budget cuts, furlows, and lameness all around, so standing up for my right to graduate in a timely fashion is keeping me busy! ;)
Love and miss ya'll! Update your blogs!!!!!