Two ladies I'll really miss who just graduated.. this is our senior dinner where the soon-to-be graduates get presented with their stoles to wear with their cap and gown!

Some of our "family" in AxiD before semi-formal... peace! :)

Christiana and I before Alpha Xi Delta initiation

Preparing for the Little Miss and Mister Avocado (a contest for kids ages 4-10)...you can see our excited police escorts, hahaha

This is me and a former contestant from my first year, and awesome chick named Rachel...she works where we had our chamber golf tournament fundraiser!
Right now I'm about to make a phone call to one of my professors to talk about Grad School options. I'm still in the very, VERY early stages....meaning, I am still looking into what program interests me, where to go, etc. I haven't even scheduled my GRE exam yet, but got a book about it, and found a free info session on the GRE exam.
So far, I'm looking into getting a MA degree (most schools now-a-days that I've looked into only allow you to get an MA with the idea you'll stay for a PhD...oh god!) at UC Santa Barbara, UC Berkeley, UC San Diego, USC and maybe an Ivy League School for kicks and giggles. hahaha!
I just started pawing around their websites, so it's still in it's infancy stages...I haven't even decided where I'm applying, so don't quote me on those schools later! ;) I met with a friend yesterday who got into George Washington University in DC (holy COW!) and she gave me some pointers on how to start this whole process- it is NOTHING like applying to an undergraduate program I come to find out. Eeeek!
I have officially formulated my "Grad School folder (of doom)" as I call it..which has tabs for all the schools I'm seriously thinking about, for addresses, due dates, etc. Apparently, I've been warned...you must keep organized or you may miss a due date or forget to submit a required document!!!!!
Failure is not an option...but PRAY FOR ME! I'm really intimidated by this whole process!
Love you all and hope we can get together SOON for some fun times and good food! :) Miss you!