I am not supposed to be online right now- I am supposed to be doing a 30 hour fast and planting trees. I was leaving work yesterday and my boss said she was worried about me- and asked me about my weekend plans. I told her about my proposed weekend, with the fast, tree planting, spaghetti dinner to benefit Operation Christmas Child. She told me I needed a weekend off- after talking to my dear friend and sorority philanthropy chair, she agreed. I am home today, in my pajamas, trying to regain normalcy in my home...catching up on a few things I feel need to be tended to- like communication with my family!
I am in desperate need of a good house cleaning. I am debating if I should get my Christmas stuff out, or at least go to Hallmark and peruse the new holiday ornaments. It was a tradition Gram and I had to buy a few ornaments to build our stash each year. Gram and I were in the Hallmark Club at Platinum Status- and now I'm down to Silver....sorry Gram! We were the high rollers of Hallmark! haha...gotta maintain!
October Pictures- finally!
All-Greek Semi Formal: Viva Las Vegas!

How cute is this? He was a Chippendale Dancer!!!! hahaha

My friend Stephanie made a visit from Nevada! Love you Steph!
Pumpkin Spice Cupcakes at Disneyland- fabulous. Next time, the Mickey Caramel Apples.
Riding the Rails with two amazing ladies! Christiana and my friend Stephanie from NV- my Past GWA sister!
Alrighty ya'll- I'm happy at least I got some of the pictures up! I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving and send all my love and best wishes!