So I am listening to a podcast right now, over the growls of two pugs fighting over a chew are some random pictures. Below are pictures from Retreat about a weekend or two ago. I loaded them backwards so they aren't in chronological order.
But first, the week of mystery gifts from my big sis, before I knew who she was.

Day 1- Pink Roses of Alpha Xi!

A bad photo- Day 2- "Favorites Day"

Day 3- "Big and Lil Sis Day" (this is when you get matching stuff and like, movie tickets to use with your big later!)

Day 4- Alpha Xi Delta Day! I finally got some awesome Xi Goodies!

Day 5- "Spring Break" Day...beach and gardening stuff, cuz that's how I'm spending my week off!

This is my Big Sis Liz. After a week of "mystery gifts," my big sis was revealed! They had all the new girls sit inside, while the actives were outside, we had no idea how our big sis' would be revealed. When I got called, I walked outside, and all the actives, (and some of the girls who had already been called outside) were standing in a circle with lit candles and there was a fire pit in the middle, you walk around the circle to find out who your big sis is. Everyone blew their candle out one by one until only your big sis was left with a lit candle- and that's how you found out! cool huh? I was ecstatic- Liz is awesome. She is my buddy in bio class and didn't even let on all week!

SOO happy!

This is my "family" within Alpha Xi... The PYRO. Why Pyro? It's a secret! ;)

For our first retreat activity we did a scavenger hunt for canned food for Interfaith! You can't see all the food we got because we have too many girls!

This is team Australia's assortment of goodies! We won for most "bonus items" I think- we got lots of goodies for Interfaith!


Team China- Chinese Tourists

Part of Team Mexico- the Tapatio man!

One part of Team Jamacia and Australia!

After planting the gift from my big sis!